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Reguler | PPPA, POPAL, PCUA, PPPU, POIPPU, PLB3, PL Non B3, OPLB3, Assembly and Soldering Technique, Teknisi Teknologi Pendingin, Dimension Measurement Skill, Brazing Technique, CSM-RoHS, CSM-Reach, Design and Optimation of WWT, Penilaian dan Penyusunan AMDAL, Lean Manufacturing System, Mentality Work Culture, Effective Warehouse & Storage Management, Fundamental IE, PPIC, TWI-JI, TWI-Job Methode, Kaizen, 7 One Waste, Dimension Calibration, Hydraulic and Pneumatic System, 5S, QC Fundamental, New QC7 Tools, Quality Inspection System, FMEA, Project Management, Total Productive Maintenance, Handle Difficult People, Supervisory Management, Horenso, The Future of Leadership (The 5.0 Leaders), Training of Trainer, Excellent Customer Service, Excellent Presenter, Effective Reporting, Problem Solving, Coaching and Counseling, B05S |